In 1987 a group of concerned parents and friends of persons with disabilities living in St. Albert met to discuss the future for their loved ones. In 1988 a “Parent Task Force” was created and a survey was completed in order to define the need. This new organization was initially called the “Grandin Residence Foundation”. Once the Foundation’s Bylaws were created and adopted and a Board of Directors appointed the organization changed its name to the “LoSeCa Foundation”. The name was significant to all of the Founding Members as it stands for Love-Service-Care.
The LoSeCa Foundation became a registered society, under the Society’s Act in 1992. Soon after that, the Foundation applied for charitable status under the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. LoSeCa Foundation received charitable status in 1992. The first community residence was opened and funded in 1992. Day support options were first introduced in 1994 and have continued to evolve since then.
And now…
Today, The LoSeCa Foundation operates over thirty community residences and offers a wide range of employment supports and community access options. While the Foundation was begun in St. Albert and the head office continues to be in St. Albert, residential supports are now also offered in Edmonton.
The Foundation is driven by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of health care professionals, business people, parents, guardians and interested community members. The Board of Directors employs an Executive Director/CEO to manage all day-to day operations. We also have over 300 amazing staff, many of whom have celebrated 10, 15, 20 and 25 year anniversaries.